
Biathlon World Championships 2012

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Biathlon World Championships 2012

IBU Biathlon World Championships in Ruhpolding between February 29 to March 11 with a R?DER tent landscape

Visitors to the IBU Biathlon World Championships 2012 experienced an excellent example of the use of temporary event structures in winter weather conditions in the Chiemgau Arena in Ruhpolding.

The customer, the city of Ruhpolding, looked for a suitable architectural concept for the newly designed Chiemgau Arena and found it in the R?DER SOLUTION HIGHEND. The cubic tent complex fits very well into the overall visual appearance of the new arena.

The 2-story SOLUTION HIGHEND (30 x 60m with 4-meter high sides in the 2nd story) was used here as a VIP hospitality building, which accommodated up to 1,500 guests per day at the world championships. The guests enjoyed an outstanding view of the sporting event from the comfortable interior, because the facade of the temporary structure from R?DER was largely made up of glass. The top-of-the-line furnishing, heated flooring, kitchens and restroom areas on both floors was ensured maximum hospitality.

In addition, a 2-story tent (10 x 40m) with four access-ways was used as an entrance for the VIP 2nd story on the one hand and as a kitchen annex on the other hand. Twelve pagodas (5 x 5m) were distributed around the premises. These were used as entry control at the entrance to the arena.

Even with all of this comfort, the idea of a green event was not abandoned. The event was planned in detail to make it sustainable. The important aspects were energy-saving and the reduction of emissions. This was ensured by the double-layered ISO roofs of the SOLUTION and the innovative ISO facades, which were first used at this event.

For further information on the world championships, please visit the official website biathlon-ruhpolding

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